Module coa.dbinfo

Project : PyCoA - Copyright © Date : april 2020 - march 2022 Authors : Olivier Dadoun, Julien Browaeys, Tristan Beau License: See joint LICENSE file Module : report About

This is the PyCoA rapport module it gives all available information concerning a database key words

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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Project : PyCoA - Copyright ©
Date :    april 2020 - march 2022
Authors : Olivier Dadoun, Julien Browaeys, Tristan Beau
License: See joint LICENSE file
Module : report
This is the PyCoA rapport module it gives all available information concerning a database key words
from coa.error import *

def generic_info(namedb, keys):
    Return information on the available keyswords for the database selected
    mydico = {}
    if namedb == 'spf':
        spfdic = {
        ['cur_idx_tx_incid: Taux d\'incidence (activité épidémique : Le taux d\'incidence correspond au nombre de personnes testées\
        positives (RT-PCR et test antigénique) pour la première fois depuis plus de 60 jours rapporté à la taille de la population. \
        Il est exprimé pour 100 000 habitants)',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['cur_taux_pos: Taux de positivité des tests virologiques (Le taux de positivité correspond au nombre de personnes testées positives\
         (RT-PCR et test antigénique) pour la première fois depuis plus de 60 jours rapporté au nombre total de personnes testées positives ou \
         négatives sur une période donnée ; et qui n‘ont jamais été testées positive dans les 60 jours précédents.)',url4,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_vacc1: (nom initial n_cum_dose1)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_vacc2: (nom initial n_cum_dose2)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_vacc3: (nom initial n_cum_dose3)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_vacc4: (nom initial n_cum_dose4)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_rappel_vacc: (nom initial n_rappel)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_incid_hosp: Nombre total de personnes hospitalisées',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_incid_rea: Nombre total d\'admissions en réanimation',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_incid_rad: Nombre total de  retours à domicile',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_incid_dc: Nombre total de personnes  décédées',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_P: Nombre total de tests positifs',url3,urlmaster3],
        ['tot_T: Nombre total de tests réalisés',url3,urlmaster3],
        'cur_idx_Prc_tests_PCR_TA_crible' :
        ['Prc_tests_PCR_TA_crible: % de tests PCR criblés parmi les PCR positives.',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_501Y_V1' :
        ['Prc_susp_501Y_V1: % de tests avec suspicion de variant 20I/501Y.V1 (UK).\n Royaume-Uni (UK): code Nexstrain= 20I/501Y.V1.',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_501Y_V2_3' :
        ['Prc_susp_501Y_V2_3: % de tests avec suspicion de variant 20H/501Y.V2 (ZA) ou 20J/501Y.V3 (BR).Afrique du Sud (ZA) : \
        code Nexstrain= 20H/501Y.V2. Brésil (BR) : code Nexstrain= 20J/501Y.V3',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_IND' :
        ['Prc_susp_IND: % de tests avec une détection de variant mais non identifiable',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_ABS' :
        ['Prc_susp_ABS: % de tests avec une absence de détection de variant',url6,urlmaster6],
        ['ti : taux d\'incidence hebdomadaire rapporté à la population pour 100 000 habitants , par semaine calendaire (en milieu scolaire)',url7,urlmaster7],
        ['tp :Le taux de positivité hebdomadaire rapporté 100 tests réalisés, par semaine calendaire (en milieu scolaire)',url7,urlmaster7],
        'nb_crib' : ['Nombre de tests criblés',url8,urlmaster8],
        'nb_pos' : ['Nombre de tests positifs',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_crib' : ['Taux tests criblés',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_idx_tx_A1':['FILL IT',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_idx_tx_B1':['FILL IT',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_idx_tx_C1':['FILL IT',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_A0' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation A est négatif (A = E484K)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_A1' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation A est positif (A = E484K)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_A1' : ['Taux de présence mutation A (A = E484K)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_B0' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation B est négatif (B = E484Q)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_B1' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation B est positif (B = E484Q)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_B1' : ['Taux de présence mutation B (B = E484Q)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_C0' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation C est négatif (C = L452R)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_C1' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation C est positif (C = L452R)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_C1' : ['Taux de présence mutation C (C = L452R)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nbre_pass_corona' : ['  Nombre de passages aux urgences pour suspicion de COVID-19 (nbre_pass_corona)',url9,urlmaster9],
        mydico = spfdic
    elif namedb == 'spfnational':
        spfn = {
        'cur_reanimation': ['(nom d\'origine patients_reanimation) en current réa '],\
        'cur_hospitalises':  ['(nom d\'origine patients_hospitalises) en current patients hospitalises '],\
        'total_cas_confirmes':   ['total_cas_confirmes: total cumulé du nombre de décès'],\
        'total_deces_hopital':  ['total_deces_hopital: total deces hopital '],\
        'total_patients_gueris':  ['total_patients_gueris: total patients gueris'],\
        'total_deces_ehpad':  ['total cumulé deces ehpad'],\
        'total_cas_confirmes_ehpad':  ['total cumulé confirmes ehpad'],\
        'total_cas_possibles_ehpad':  ['total cumulé possibles ehpad'],\
        for k,v in spfn.items():
        mydico = spfn
    elif namedb == 'insee':
        insee = {
        'tot_deaths_since_2018-01-01':['tot deaths number_of_deaths integrated since 2018-01-01 '],\
        for k,v in insee.items():
        mydico = insee
    elif namedb == 'opencovid19':
        op19 = {
        'tot_deces':['tot_deces: total cumulé du nombre de décès au niveau national'],
        'tot_cas_confirmes':['tot_cas_confirmes: total cumulé du nombre de cas confirmes au niveau national'],
        'cur_reanimation':['cur_reanimation:  nombre de personnes en réanimation'],
        'cur_hospitalises':['cur_hospitalises: nombre de personnes en hospitalisation'],
        'tot_gueris':['tot_gueris: total cumulé du nombre de gueris au niveau national'],
        'tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations':['tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations: total cumulé du nombre d\'hospitalisation au niveau national'],
        'tot_nouvelles_reanimations':['tot_nouvelles_reanimations: tot_nouvelles_reanimations: total cumulé du nombre réanimations au niveau national'],
        'tot_depistes':['tot_depistes: total cumulé du nombre de personnes dépistées (testées par PCR) au niveau national'],
        for k,v in op19.items():
        mydico = op19
    elif namedb == 'opencovid19national':
        op19nat = {
         'tot_deces':['tot_deces: total cumulé du nombre de décès'],
         'tot_cas_confirmes':['tot_cas_confirmes: total cumulé du nombre de cas confirmés'],
         'tot_cas_ehpad':['tot_cas_ehpad: total cumulé du nombre de cas en EHPAD'],
         'tot_cas_confirmes_ehpad':['total cumulé du nombre de cas positifs en EHPAD'],
         'tot_deces_ehpad':['total cumulé du nombre de décès en EHPAD'],
         'cur_reanimation':['cur_hospitalises: nombre de personnes en reanimation'],
         'cur_hospitalises':['cur_hospitalises: nombre de personnes en hospitalisation'],
         'tot_gueris':['total cumulé du nombre de gueris'],
         'tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations':['tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations: total cumulé du nombre d\'hospitalisation'],
         'tot_nouvelles_reanimations':['tot_nouvelles_reanimations: tot_nouvelles_reanimations: total cumulé du nombre réanimations'],
         'tot_depistes':['tot_depistes: total cumulé du nombre de personnes dépistées (testées par PCR)']
        for k,v in op19nat.items():
        mydico = op19nat
    elif namedb == 'obepine':
        obe = {
         'idx_obepine':['tot_deces: total cumulé du nombre de décès']}
        for k,v in obe.items():
        mydico = obe
    elif namedb == 'owid':
        'total_deaths':['total_deaths: Total deaths attributed to COVID-19'],
        'total_cases':['total_cases: Total confirmed cases of COVID-19'],
        'total_tests':['total_tests: Total tests for COVID-19'],
        'cur_new_tests':['cur_new_tests (original name new_tests): New tests for COVID-19 (only calculated for consecutive days)'],
        'total_vaccinations':['total_vaccinations: Total number of COVID-19 vaccination doses administered'],
        'total_population':['total_population: total population of a given country'],
        'total_people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred':['total_people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred (original name people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred): Total number of people who received all doses prescribed by the vaccination protocol per 100 people in the total population'],
        'total_boosters':['total_boosters: Total number of COVID-19 vaccination booster doses administered (doses administered beyond the number prescribed by the vaccination protocol)'],
        'total_people_vaccinated':['total_people_vaccinated (original name people_vaccinated): Total number of people who received at least one vaccine dose'],
        'total_people_fully_vaccinated':['total_people_fully_vaccinated (original name people_fully_vaccinated): Total number of people who received all doses prescribed by the vaccination protocol'],
        'total_people_vaccinated_per_hundred':['total_people_vaccinated_per_hundred (original name people_vaccinated_per_hundred): total_people_vaccinated_per_hundred:Total number of people who received all doses prescribed by the vaccination protocol per 100 people in the total population'],
        'total_cases_per_million':['total_cases_per_million: Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 per 1,000,000 people'],
        'total_deaths_per_million':['total_deaths_per_million: Total deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 1,000,000 people'],
        'total_vaccinations_per_hundred':['total_vaccinations_per_hundred: COVID19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people'],
        'cur_reproduction_rate':['cur_reproduction_rate (original name reproduction_rate): Real-time estimate of the effective reproduction rate (R) of COVID-19. See'],
        'cur_icu_patients':['cur_icu_patients (orignal name icu_patients): Number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units (ICUs) on a given day'],
        'cur_hosp_patients':['cur_hosp_patients (original name hosp_patients): Number of COVID-19 patients in hospital on a given day'],
        'cur_weekly_hosp_admissions':['cur_weekly_hosp_admissions (original name weekly_hosp_admissions): Number of COVID-19 patients in hospital on a given week'],
        'cur_idx_positive_rate':['cur_idx_positive_rate (original name positive_rate): The share of COVID-19 tests that are positive, given as a rolling 7-day average (this is the inverse of tests_per_case)'],
        'total_gdp_per_capita':['Gross domestic product at purchasing power parity (constant 2011 international dollars), most recent year available'],
        for k,v in owid.items():
        mydico = owid
    elif namedb == 'jhu':
        jhu = {
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths (original name deaths): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        'tot_confirmed':['tot_confirmed (original name confirmed): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        'tot_recovered':['tot_recovered (original name recovered): cases are estimates based on local media reports, and state and local reporting when available, and therefore may be substantially lower than the true number. US state-level recovered cases are from COVID Tracking Project (',\
        for k,v in jhu.items():
        mydico = jhu
    elif namedb == 'jhu-usa':
        jhuusa = {
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths (original name deaths): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        'tot_confirmed':['tot_confirmed (original name confirmed): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        for k,v in jhuusa.items():
        mydico = jhuusa
    elif namedb == 'moh':
        moh = {
        'tot_cases':['tot_cases: total cases (from original data cases_new )'],\
        'hosp_covid':['hosp_covid: hosp_covid'],\
        'daily_partial':['daily_partial: daily_partial'],\
        'daily_full':['daily_full: daily_full'],\
        'icu_covid':['icu_covid: icu_covid'],\
        'beds_icu_covid':['beds_icu_covid: beds_icu_covid'],\
        for k,v in moh.items():
        mydico = moh
    elif namedb == 'minciencia':
        mi = {
        'cases':['cases: Casos confirmados'],\
        for k,v in mi.items():
        mydico = mi
    elif namedb == 'covid19india':
        india = {
        'tot_Deceased':['tot_Deceased (original name: Deceased): Total number of Deceased'],\
        'tot_Confirmed':['tot_Confirmed (original name: Confirmed): Total number of Confirmed'],\
        'tot_Recovered':['tot_Recovered ( original name:  Recovered): Total number of Recovered'],\
        'tot_Tested':['tot_Tested ( original name:  Tested): Total number of Tested']
        for k,v in india.items():
        mydico = india
    elif namedb == 'dpc':
        ita = {
        'tot_cases':['tot_cases:original name totale_casi + FILLIT'],\
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths:original name deceduti + FILLIT']
        for k,v in ita.items():
        mydico = ita
    elif namedb == 'rki':
        rki = {
        for k,v in rki.items():
        mydico = rki
    elif namedb == 'escovid19data':
        esco = {
        'tot_deaths':['Cumulative deaths  (original name deceased)'],\
        'tot_cases':['Number of new COVID-19 cases detected with PCR (original name cases_accumulated_PCR)'],\
        'cur_hosp':['Hospitalized (original name hospitalized)'],\
        'tot_hosp':['Cumulative Hospitalized (original name hospitalized_accumulated)'],\
        'cur_hosp_per100k':['Intensive care per 100,000 inhabitants (original name hospitalized_per_100000'],\
        'cur_icu':['UCI, intensive care patient, (original name intensive_care)'],\
        'tot_recovered':['Recovered (original name recovered)'],\
        'tot_cases_per100k':['Cumulative cases per 100,000 inhabitants (original name cases_per_cienmil)'],\
        'cur_icu_per1M' :['Intensive care per 1000,000 inhabitants (original name intensive_care_per_1000000)'],\
        'tot_deaths_per100k':['Cumulative deaths per 100,000 inhabitants (original name deceassed_per_100000)'],\
        'tot_cases_per100k':['Intensive care per 100,000 inhabitants, (original name hospitalized_per_100000)'],\
        'incidence':['Cases in 14 days by 100,000 inhabitants (original name ia14'],\
        'population':['Inhabitants of the province (orignal name poblacion)'],\
        for k,v in esco.items():
        mydico = esco
    elif namedb == 'sciensano':
        sci = {
        'cur_hosp':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients at the moment of reporting, including ICU (prevalence) (original name TOTAL_IN)'],\
        'cur_icu':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients in ICU at the moment of reporting (prevalence) (original name TOTAL_IN_ICU)'],\
        'cur_resp':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients under respiratory support at the moment of reporting (prevalence) (original name TOTAL_IN_RESP)'],\
        'cur_ecmo':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients on ECMO at the moment of reporting (prevalence) (orginale name TOTAL_IN_ECMO)']
        for k,v in sci.items():
        mydico = sci
    elif namedb == 'phe':
        phe = {
        'tot_deaths':['Total number of deaths (original name cumDeaths28DaysByDeathDate)',url+'cumDeaths28DaysByDeathDate'+'&format=csv'],\
        'tot_cases':['Total number of cases (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumCasesBySpecimenDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_tests':['Total number of tests (originale name cumTestByPublishDate)',url+'cumLFDTests'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_vacc1':['Total number of tot_vacc1 (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByVaccinationDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_vacc2':['Total number of tot_vacc2 (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumPeopleVaccinatedSecondDoseByVaccinationDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_vacc3':['Total number of tot_vacc3 (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumPeopleVaccinatedThirddDoseByVaccinationDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'cur_B.1.617.2':['Current variant B.1.617.2',url +''],
        for k,v in phe.items():
        mydico = phe
    elif namedb == 'dgs':
        dgs = {
            'tot_cases':['original name confirmados_1']}
        for k,v in dgs.items():
        mydico = dgs
    elif namedb == 'covidtracking':
        cotra = {
            'tot_death': ['Cumulative deaths tot_death (original name death)'],\
            'tot_hosp': ['Cumulative hospitalized (original name hospitalizedCumulative)'],\
            'cur_hosp': ['Current hospitalized (original name hospitalizedCurrently)'],\
            'tot_icu': ['(original name inIcuCumulative)'],\
            'cur_icu': ['(original inIcuCurrently)'],\
            'tot_neg_test': ['(original negative)'],\
            'tot_pos_test': ['(original positive)'],\
            'tot_onVentilator': ['(original onVentilatorCumulative)'],\
            'cur_onVentilator': ['(original onVentilatorCurrently)'],\
            'tot_test': ['(original totalTestResults)'],\
        for k,v in cotra.items():
        mydico = cotra
    elif namedb == 'risklayer':
        risk = {
            'tot_positive': ['tot_positive ... fill it '],\
            'tot_incidence': ['tot_incidence ... fill it'],\
        for k,v in risk.items():
        mydico = risk
    elif namedb == 'europa':
        euro = {
            'tot_deaths':['Orginal name CumulativeDeceased'],
            'tot_positive':['sum the Original name CurrentlyPositive'],
            'cur_hosp':['Orginal name Hospitalized'],
            'cur_icu':['Orginal name IntensiveCare'],
        for k,v in euro.items():
        mydico = euro
    elif namedb == 'imed':
        imed = {
        'tot_cases':['tot_cases (original name cases)',\
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths (original name deaths)',\
        for k,v in imed.items():
        mydico = imed
    elif namedb == 'govcy':
        mi = {
        'tot_deaths':['total deaths attributed to Covid-19 disease (total deaths)'],\
        'tot_cases':['total number of confirmed cases (total cases)'],\
        'cur_hosp':['number of patients with covid-19 hospitalized cases (Hospitalised Cases)'],\
        'cur_severe':['number of patients with covid-19 hospitalized in severe cases (Severe Cases)'],\
        'cur_icu':['number of patients with covid-19 admitted to ICUs (Cases In ICUs)'],\
        'cur_incub':['number of patients with covid-19 admitted to ICUs (Incubated Cases)'],\
        'tot_pcr':['extract from PCR_daily tests performedtotal number of PCR tests performed (PCR_daily tests performed)'],\
        'tot_rat':['total number of rapid antigen (RAT) tests performed (total RA tests)'],\
        'tot_test':['total numbers of PCR and RA tests performed (total tests)'],\
        for k,v in mi.items():
        mydico = mi
        raise CoaKeyError('Error in the database selected, please check !')
    if keys not in mydico:
        raise CoaKeyError(keys + ': this keyword doesn\'t exist for this database !')
        return mydico[keys]


def generic_info(namedb, keys)

Return information on the available keyswords for the database selected

Expand source code
def generic_info(namedb, keys):
    Return information on the available keyswords for the database selected
    mydico = {}
    if namedb == 'spf':
        spfdic = {
        ['cur_idx_tx_incid: Taux d\'incidence (activité épidémique : Le taux d\'incidence correspond au nombre de personnes testées\
        positives (RT-PCR et test antigénique) pour la première fois depuis plus de 60 jours rapporté à la taille de la population. \
        Il est exprimé pour 100 000 habitants)',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['cur_taux_pos: Taux de positivité des tests virologiques (Le taux de positivité correspond au nombre de personnes testées positives\
         (RT-PCR et test antigénique) pour la première fois depuis plus de 60 jours rapporté au nombre total de personnes testées positives ou \
         négatives sur une période donnée ; et qui n‘ont jamais été testées positive dans les 60 jours précédents.)',url4,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_vacc1: (nom initial n_cum_dose1)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_vacc2: (nom initial n_cum_dose2)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_vacc3: (nom initial n_cum_dose3)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_vacc4: (nom initial n_cum_dose4)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_rappel_vacc: (nom initial n_rappel)',url5,urlmaster5],
        ['tot_incid_hosp: Nombre total de personnes hospitalisées',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_incid_rea: Nombre total d\'admissions en réanimation',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_incid_rad: Nombre total de  retours à domicile',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_incid_dc: Nombre total de personnes  décédées',url2,urlmaster2],
        ['tot_P: Nombre total de tests positifs',url3,urlmaster3],
        ['tot_T: Nombre total de tests réalisés',url3,urlmaster3],
        'cur_idx_Prc_tests_PCR_TA_crible' :
        ['Prc_tests_PCR_TA_crible: % de tests PCR criblés parmi les PCR positives.',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_501Y_V1' :
        ['Prc_susp_501Y_V1: % de tests avec suspicion de variant 20I/501Y.V1 (UK).\n Royaume-Uni (UK): code Nexstrain= 20I/501Y.V1.',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_501Y_V2_3' :
        ['Prc_susp_501Y_V2_3: % de tests avec suspicion de variant 20H/501Y.V2 (ZA) ou 20J/501Y.V3 (BR).Afrique du Sud (ZA) : \
        code Nexstrain= 20H/501Y.V2. Brésil (BR) : code Nexstrain= 20J/501Y.V3',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_IND' :
        ['Prc_susp_IND: % de tests avec une détection de variant mais non identifiable',url6,urlmaster6],
        'cur_idx_Prc_susp_ABS' :
        ['Prc_susp_ABS: % de tests avec une absence de détection de variant',url6,urlmaster6],
        ['ti : taux d\'incidence hebdomadaire rapporté à la population pour 100 000 habitants , par semaine calendaire (en milieu scolaire)',url7,urlmaster7],
        ['tp :Le taux de positivité hebdomadaire rapporté 100 tests réalisés, par semaine calendaire (en milieu scolaire)',url7,urlmaster7],
        'nb_crib' : ['Nombre de tests criblés',url8,urlmaster8],
        'nb_pos' : ['Nombre de tests positifs',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_crib' : ['Taux tests criblés',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_idx_tx_A1':['FILL IT',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_idx_tx_B1':['FILL IT',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_idx_tx_C1':['FILL IT',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_A0' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation A est négatif (A = E484K)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_A1' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation A est positif (A = E484K)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_A1' : ['Taux de présence mutation A (A = E484K)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_B0' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation B est négatif (B = E484Q)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_B1' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation B est positif (B = E484Q)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_B1' : ['Taux de présence mutation B (B = E484Q)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_C0' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation C est négatif (C = L452R)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nb_C1' : ['Nombre des tests positifs pour lesquels la recherche de mutation C est positif (C = L452R)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'tx_C1' : ['Taux de présence mutation C (C = L452R)',url8,urlmaster8],
        'cur_nbre_pass_corona' : ['  Nombre de passages aux urgences pour suspicion de COVID-19 (nbre_pass_corona)',url9,urlmaster9],
        mydico = spfdic
    elif namedb == 'spfnational':
        spfn = {
        'cur_reanimation': ['(nom d\'origine patients_reanimation) en current réa '],\
        'cur_hospitalises':  ['(nom d\'origine patients_hospitalises) en current patients hospitalises '],\
        'total_cas_confirmes':   ['total_cas_confirmes: total cumulé du nombre de décès'],\
        'total_deces_hopital':  ['total_deces_hopital: total deces hopital '],\
        'total_patients_gueris':  ['total_patients_gueris: total patients gueris'],\
        'total_deces_ehpad':  ['total cumulé deces ehpad'],\
        'total_cas_confirmes_ehpad':  ['total cumulé confirmes ehpad'],\
        'total_cas_possibles_ehpad':  ['total cumulé possibles ehpad'],\
        for k,v in spfn.items():
        mydico = spfn
    elif namedb == 'insee':
        insee = {
        'tot_deaths_since_2018-01-01':['tot deaths number_of_deaths integrated since 2018-01-01 '],\
        for k,v in insee.items():
        mydico = insee
    elif namedb == 'opencovid19':
        op19 = {
        'tot_deces':['tot_deces: total cumulé du nombre de décès au niveau national'],
        'tot_cas_confirmes':['tot_cas_confirmes: total cumulé du nombre de cas confirmes au niveau national'],
        'cur_reanimation':['cur_reanimation:  nombre de personnes en réanimation'],
        'cur_hospitalises':['cur_hospitalises: nombre de personnes en hospitalisation'],
        'tot_gueris':['tot_gueris: total cumulé du nombre de gueris au niveau national'],
        'tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations':['tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations: total cumulé du nombre d\'hospitalisation au niveau national'],
        'tot_nouvelles_reanimations':['tot_nouvelles_reanimations: tot_nouvelles_reanimations: total cumulé du nombre réanimations au niveau national'],
        'tot_depistes':['tot_depistes: total cumulé du nombre de personnes dépistées (testées par PCR) au niveau national'],
        for k,v in op19.items():
        mydico = op19
    elif namedb == 'opencovid19national':
        op19nat = {
         'tot_deces':['tot_deces: total cumulé du nombre de décès'],
         'tot_cas_confirmes':['tot_cas_confirmes: total cumulé du nombre de cas confirmés'],
         'tot_cas_ehpad':['tot_cas_ehpad: total cumulé du nombre de cas en EHPAD'],
         'tot_cas_confirmes_ehpad':['total cumulé du nombre de cas positifs en EHPAD'],
         'tot_deces_ehpad':['total cumulé du nombre de décès en EHPAD'],
         'cur_reanimation':['cur_hospitalises: nombre de personnes en reanimation'],
         'cur_hospitalises':['cur_hospitalises: nombre de personnes en hospitalisation'],
         'tot_gueris':['total cumulé du nombre de gueris'],
         'tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations':['tot_nouvelles_hospitalisations: total cumulé du nombre d\'hospitalisation'],
         'tot_nouvelles_reanimations':['tot_nouvelles_reanimations: tot_nouvelles_reanimations: total cumulé du nombre réanimations'],
         'tot_depistes':['tot_depistes: total cumulé du nombre de personnes dépistées (testées par PCR)']
        for k,v in op19nat.items():
        mydico = op19nat
    elif namedb == 'obepine':
        obe = {
         'idx_obepine':['tot_deces: total cumulé du nombre de décès']}
        for k,v in obe.items():
        mydico = obe
    elif namedb == 'owid':
        'total_deaths':['total_deaths: Total deaths attributed to COVID-19'],
        'total_cases':['total_cases: Total confirmed cases of COVID-19'],
        'total_tests':['total_tests: Total tests for COVID-19'],
        'cur_new_tests':['cur_new_tests (original name new_tests): New tests for COVID-19 (only calculated for consecutive days)'],
        'total_vaccinations':['total_vaccinations: Total number of COVID-19 vaccination doses administered'],
        'total_population':['total_population: total population of a given country'],
        'total_people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred':['total_people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred (original name people_fully_vaccinated_per_hundred): Total number of people who received all doses prescribed by the vaccination protocol per 100 people in the total population'],
        'total_boosters':['total_boosters: Total number of COVID-19 vaccination booster doses administered (doses administered beyond the number prescribed by the vaccination protocol)'],
        'total_people_vaccinated':['total_people_vaccinated (original name people_vaccinated): Total number of people who received at least one vaccine dose'],
        'total_people_fully_vaccinated':['total_people_fully_vaccinated (original name people_fully_vaccinated): Total number of people who received all doses prescribed by the vaccination protocol'],
        'total_people_vaccinated_per_hundred':['total_people_vaccinated_per_hundred (original name people_vaccinated_per_hundred): total_people_vaccinated_per_hundred:Total number of people who received all doses prescribed by the vaccination protocol per 100 people in the total population'],
        'total_cases_per_million':['total_cases_per_million: Total confirmed cases of COVID-19 per 1,000,000 people'],
        'total_deaths_per_million':['total_deaths_per_million: Total deaths attributed to COVID-19 per 1,000,000 people'],
        'total_vaccinations_per_hundred':['total_vaccinations_per_hundred: COVID19 vaccine doses administered per 100 people'],
        'cur_reproduction_rate':['cur_reproduction_rate (original name reproduction_rate): Real-time estimate of the effective reproduction rate (R) of COVID-19. See'],
        'cur_icu_patients':['cur_icu_patients (orignal name icu_patients): Number of COVID-19 patients in intensive care units (ICUs) on a given day'],
        'cur_hosp_patients':['cur_hosp_patients (original name hosp_patients): Number of COVID-19 patients in hospital on a given day'],
        'cur_weekly_hosp_admissions':['cur_weekly_hosp_admissions (original name weekly_hosp_admissions): Number of COVID-19 patients in hospital on a given week'],
        'cur_idx_positive_rate':['cur_idx_positive_rate (original name positive_rate): The share of COVID-19 tests that are positive, given as a rolling 7-day average (this is the inverse of tests_per_case)'],
        'total_gdp_per_capita':['Gross domestic product at purchasing power parity (constant 2011 international dollars), most recent year available'],
        for k,v in owid.items():
        mydico = owid
    elif namedb == 'jhu':
        jhu = {
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths (original name deaths): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        'tot_confirmed':['tot_confirmed (original name confirmed): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        'tot_recovered':['tot_recovered (original name recovered): cases are estimates based on local media reports, and state and local reporting when available, and therefore may be substantially lower than the true number. US state-level recovered cases are from COVID Tracking Project (',\
        for k,v in jhu.items():
        mydico = jhu
    elif namedb == 'jhu-usa':
        jhuusa = {
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths (original name deaths): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        'tot_confirmed':['tot_confirmed (original name confirmed): counts include confirmed and probable (where reported).',\
        for k,v in jhuusa.items():
        mydico = jhuusa
    elif namedb == 'moh':
        moh = {
        'tot_cases':['tot_cases: total cases (from original data cases_new )'],\
        'hosp_covid':['hosp_covid: hosp_covid'],\
        'daily_partial':['daily_partial: daily_partial'],\
        'daily_full':['daily_full: daily_full'],\
        'icu_covid':['icu_covid: icu_covid'],\
        'beds_icu_covid':['beds_icu_covid: beds_icu_covid'],\
        for k,v in moh.items():
        mydico = moh
    elif namedb == 'minciencia':
        mi = {
        'cases':['cases: Casos confirmados'],\
        for k,v in mi.items():
        mydico = mi
    elif namedb == 'covid19india':
        india = {
        'tot_Deceased':['tot_Deceased (original name: Deceased): Total number of Deceased'],\
        'tot_Confirmed':['tot_Confirmed (original name: Confirmed): Total number of Confirmed'],\
        'tot_Recovered':['tot_Recovered ( original name:  Recovered): Total number of Recovered'],\
        'tot_Tested':['tot_Tested ( original name:  Tested): Total number of Tested']
        for k,v in india.items():
        mydico = india
    elif namedb == 'dpc':
        ita = {
        'tot_cases':['tot_cases:original name totale_casi + FILLIT'],\
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths:original name deceduti + FILLIT']
        for k,v in ita.items():
        mydico = ita
    elif namedb == 'rki':
        rki = {
        for k,v in rki.items():
        mydico = rki
    elif namedb == 'escovid19data':
        esco = {
        'tot_deaths':['Cumulative deaths  (original name deceased)'],\
        'tot_cases':['Number of new COVID-19 cases detected with PCR (original name cases_accumulated_PCR)'],\
        'cur_hosp':['Hospitalized (original name hospitalized)'],\
        'tot_hosp':['Cumulative Hospitalized (original name hospitalized_accumulated)'],\
        'cur_hosp_per100k':['Intensive care per 100,000 inhabitants (original name hospitalized_per_100000'],\
        'cur_icu':['UCI, intensive care patient, (original name intensive_care)'],\
        'tot_recovered':['Recovered (original name recovered)'],\
        'tot_cases_per100k':['Cumulative cases per 100,000 inhabitants (original name cases_per_cienmil)'],\
        'cur_icu_per1M' :['Intensive care per 1000,000 inhabitants (original name intensive_care_per_1000000)'],\
        'tot_deaths_per100k':['Cumulative deaths per 100,000 inhabitants (original name deceassed_per_100000)'],\
        'tot_cases_per100k':['Intensive care per 100,000 inhabitants, (original name hospitalized_per_100000)'],\
        'incidence':['Cases in 14 days by 100,000 inhabitants (original name ia14'],\
        'population':['Inhabitants of the province (orignal name poblacion)'],\
        for k,v in esco.items():
        mydico = esco
    elif namedb == 'sciensano':
        sci = {
        'cur_hosp':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients at the moment of reporting, including ICU (prevalence) (original name TOTAL_IN)'],\
        'cur_icu':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients in ICU at the moment of reporting (prevalence) (original name TOTAL_IN_ICU)'],\
        'cur_resp':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients under respiratory support at the moment of reporting (prevalence) (original name TOTAL_IN_RESP)'],\
        'cur_ecmo':['Total number of lab-confirmed hospitalized COVID-19 patients on ECMO at the moment of reporting (prevalence) (orginale name TOTAL_IN_ECMO)']
        for k,v in sci.items():
        mydico = sci
    elif namedb == 'phe':
        phe = {
        'tot_deaths':['Total number of deaths (original name cumDeaths28DaysByDeathDate)',url+'cumDeaths28DaysByDeathDate'+'&format=csv'],\
        'tot_cases':['Total number of cases (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumCasesBySpecimenDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_tests':['Total number of tests (originale name cumTestByPublishDate)',url+'cumLFDTests'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_vacc1':['Total number of tot_vacc1 (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumPeopleVaccinatedFirstDoseByVaccinationDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_vacc2':['Total number of tot_vacc2 (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumPeopleVaccinatedSecondDoseByVaccinationDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'tot_vacc3':['Total number of tot_vacc3 (originale name cumCasesBySpecimenDate)',url+'cumPeopleVaccinatedThirddDoseByVaccinationDate'+'&format=csv'],
        'cur_B.1.617.2':['Current variant B.1.617.2',url +''],
        for k,v in phe.items():
        mydico = phe
    elif namedb == 'dgs':
        dgs = {
            'tot_cases':['original name confirmados_1']}
        for k,v in dgs.items():
        mydico = dgs
    elif namedb == 'covidtracking':
        cotra = {
            'tot_death': ['Cumulative deaths tot_death (original name death)'],\
            'tot_hosp': ['Cumulative hospitalized (original name hospitalizedCumulative)'],\
            'cur_hosp': ['Current hospitalized (original name hospitalizedCurrently)'],\
            'tot_icu': ['(original name inIcuCumulative)'],\
            'cur_icu': ['(original inIcuCurrently)'],\
            'tot_neg_test': ['(original negative)'],\
            'tot_pos_test': ['(original positive)'],\
            'tot_onVentilator': ['(original onVentilatorCumulative)'],\
            'cur_onVentilator': ['(original onVentilatorCurrently)'],\
            'tot_test': ['(original totalTestResults)'],\
        for k,v in cotra.items():
        mydico = cotra
    elif namedb == 'risklayer':
        risk = {
            'tot_positive': ['tot_positive ... fill it '],\
            'tot_incidence': ['tot_incidence ... fill it'],\
        for k,v in risk.items():
        mydico = risk
    elif namedb == 'europa':
        euro = {
            'tot_deaths':['Orginal name CumulativeDeceased'],
            'tot_positive':['sum the Original name CurrentlyPositive'],
            'cur_hosp':['Orginal name Hospitalized'],
            'cur_icu':['Orginal name IntensiveCare'],
        for k,v in euro.items():
        mydico = euro
    elif namedb == 'imed':
        imed = {
        'tot_cases':['tot_cases (original name cases)',\
        'tot_deaths':['tot_deaths (original name deaths)',\
        for k,v in imed.items():
        mydico = imed
    elif namedb == 'govcy':
        mi = {
        'tot_deaths':['total deaths attributed to Covid-19 disease (total deaths)'],\
        'tot_cases':['total number of confirmed cases (total cases)'],\
        'cur_hosp':['number of patients with covid-19 hospitalized cases (Hospitalised Cases)'],\
        'cur_severe':['number of patients with covid-19 hospitalized in severe cases (Severe Cases)'],\
        'cur_icu':['number of patients with covid-19 admitted to ICUs (Cases In ICUs)'],\
        'cur_incub':['number of patients with covid-19 admitted to ICUs (Incubated Cases)'],\
        'tot_pcr':['extract from PCR_daily tests performedtotal number of PCR tests performed (PCR_daily tests performed)'],\
        'tot_rat':['total number of rapid antigen (RAT) tests performed (total RA tests)'],\
        'tot_test':['total numbers of PCR and RA tests performed (total tests)'],\
        for k,v in mi.items():
        mydico = mi
        raise CoaKeyError('Error in the database selected, please check !')
    if keys not in mydico:
        raise CoaKeyError(keys + ': this keyword doesn\'t exist for this database !')
        return mydico[keys]